Weinberg – Mother tongue officially released!
Life and Work is a photographic film of sorts through which one used to look at great artists. Amid the rich collection of 154 musical pieces by Mieczysław Wajnberg, the songs for the bass voice composed to the lyrics by the Polish poets: Elżbieta Szemplińska-Sobolewska, Leopold Staff, Julian Tuwim and Stanisław Wygodzki, are a space in which life and work indeed become one.
These songs waited a long time to be discovered—some forty, some sixty years. Being able to perform them now is surely an honour. On the other hand, it is also a burden, but there must be a reason why it is happening to us right now. I’m deeply convinced it is merely a beginning of their journey. Each subsequent performance, each listening will make us understand them better, see clearly, even the things that Wajnberg couldn’t have seen himself. I do believe that is when a piece has any meaning at all—when it transcends us all.
Tomasz Raff
Noted by Kajetan Prochyra
Translated into English by Zofia Smolińska