than another classical singer

To begin with
Follow your individual path.
Tomasz Raff is a freelance classical singer based in Gdynia (Poland).
From 2022/23 he works as a PhD candidate in “S. Moniuszko” Music Academy in Gdańsk (Poland) promoting Mieczysław Weinberg as a polish song composer
Since 2020/21 he works as a guest soloist at Grand Theatre – National Oper in Warsaw e.g. as Sarastro (W. A. Mozart, “The Magic Flute”).
Since 2018 he cooperates with Royal Polish Opera as Il Commandatore (“Don Giovanni”, W. A. Mozart), Zbigniew (“The haunted manor”, S. Moniuszko) and Don Basilio (“Il barbiere di Siviglia”, G. Rossini)
In 2018/19 he world-premiered all the polish songs for bass and piano written by one of the most significant polish-jewish composers of the XXth century, Mieczysław Weinberg. He also inspired the production and performed in an experimental musical poem „M. Weinberg. Epitaph”, which was staged at Polin Music Festival 2019.
Throughout his professional career he has performed in
Mainfrankentheater Würzburg (season 2016/17), Wrocław Opera (years 2013-2016), Opera Cracow (season 2014/15) and Oper Halle (years 2014-2015), where he has sung below highlited roles:
- Daland – R. Wagner „The flying Dutchman”
- Mefistofele – A. Boito “Mefistofele”
- Raimondo – G. Donizetti „Lucia di Lammermoor”
- Sarastro – W. A. Mozart „The magic flute”
- Colline – G. Puccini „La Boheme”
- Don Basilio – G. Rossini „The barber of Sevilla”
- Gremin – P. Tschaikovsky „Eugen Onegin”
- Marcel – G. Meyerbeer, „Les Huguenots”
- Osmin – W. A. Mozart, „Entführung aus dem Serail”
- Zaccaria – G. Verdi, „Nabucco”
- Pimen – M. Mussorgsky „Boris Godunov”.

It never ends
Stay yourself
no matter what the others say
His musical education has started at the „Elsner” Music School (2007, Andrzej-Kamil Drabik). During studies in Germany (Universität der Künste Berlin, 2012, Prof. KS Peter Maus) and Poland (F. Chopin University of Music, 2013, Prof. Jerzy Knetig) he has already performed in many opera projects such as the Warsaw Premiere of B. Britten’s „The rape of Lucretia” as Collatinus which he also co-produced, P. Tschaikovsky’s „Iolanthe” in the double role of King Rene and Ebn Hakia. As a student he has also performed in La Traviata and Midsummernight’s Dream at Grand Theatre – National Opera Warsaw.
His stage debut Tomasz Raff made in 2007 by performing as Uberto from G. Pergolesi’s „La serva padrona” at M25 venue in Warsaw.
As one of the founders of Non-Governmental Organisation „Fundacja o.to.ja”, he serves to introduce the classical music to people not being accustomed to listen to this genre. By using crowdfunding financing methods he manages to regularly organise oratorio concerts (mainly Haendel’s Messiah and Bach’s
St. John’s and St. Matthew Passion).
By doing so „o.to.ja foundation” has implemented a new trend and inspired musical society in Warsaw and the whole Poland.